Rain Water and its Affect on Your Pool
- September 15, 2013
- Pool News,
Have you ever wondered about the effect that rain water has on your pool?
After a rainstorm, the resulting water can change your pool’s chemistry.
- Typically the rain that falls in the southeast develops from the Atlantic Ocean and has a pH level between 4.8 and 5.6.
- This level of acidity can take your pool’s pH below the ideal 7.2-7.8 range.
When the pH levels fall out of the ideal range, your pool becomes at risk for damage to equipment, and pool surfaces and can be potentially unpleasant to swim in. More water volume will dilute the available chlorine, preventing it from keeping your pool sanitized and algae-free.
In addition to water chemistry problems, additional water introduced to your pool from storms and runoff can affect the pool’s ability to clean itself through the skimmer.
- A good rule of thumb is to keep the water to a level halfway up the tile line
Blue Water routinely monitors its customer’s water levels.
Call Blue Water today if you would like to receive an analysis of your pool water or to learn more about how to keep your pool water properly balanced.